Adrenal nodules and masses in four dogs

From Chapter 12 – Adrenals

Figure 12.10. Adrenal nodules and masses in four dogs. A: Sagittal sonogram of the left adrenal gland of a Toy Poodle with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Note the hyperechoic nodules in each pole of the gland, which is thickened (up to 10.4mm). B: Sagittal sonogram of the left adrenal gland of a Mountain Bernese dog with histiocytic sarcoma. A 2cm nodule is identified in the caudal pole of the adrenal gland, deforming the adjacent left renal vein (LRV). Fine-needle aspiration of the nodule confirmed metastasis. C: Transverse sonogram of an adenocarcinoma of the left adrenal gland in an 11-year-old large-breed dog. A large, irregular, inhomogeneous mass (arrowheads) has replaced the left adrenal gland. This mass contains amorphous mineralization, as seen as shadowing hyperechoic foci (arrow),There was no sonographic evidence of vascular invasion, although caudal displacement and compression of the left renal vein (RV) is seen. Sp, spleen. D: Sagittal sonogram of a pheochromocytoma in a 8-year-old boxer crossed. A large inhomogeneous mass is identified medial to the left kidney, but not invading the adjacent vessels.

co-authored by Marc-André d’Anjou and Dominique Penninck.

This entry was posted by Marc-Andre d'Anjou.

4 thoughts on “Adrenal nodules and masses in four dogs

  1. In “B” above you performed an FNA of the adrenal gland to confirm the diagnosis. Do you routinely do this? Are you worried about the potential for a pheochromocytoma causing a complication (catecholamine release?)

    • Sorry for the delay… I was on vacation ;-). I don’t tend to FNA adrenals mainly for the reason you mention, but we did in this dog that had several other lesions suggesting disseminated histiocytic sarcoma. We also verified that the dog was normotensive before aspirating the adrenal lesion. Thanks for your interest! MA

  2. Hello,
    The hyperechoic nodules I tend to DD them them as non functional adenomas, benign hyperplasia. I find them very often in geriatric animals and usually not associated with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism, isn’t this your experience??

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